Sunday, October 7, 2007

Day 6: The men return to Lhasa

Eileen and I were met by Lapa this morning after breakfast and we began a walking tour of the market. We took the backstreets and alleys near the market and saw a different side of Lhasa - - a more real, less touristy side of it. Even though Lhasa isn't abundantly touristy, the alleys are even less so. I bought a purse at the nunnery nearby and paid around $7US for it - - higher than I would have somewhere else but I consider it a donation to the monastery so that's good. The nuns are apparently among the most vocal about Tibetan issues and it is said that they get arrested quite often for it. Once they get arrested they are forbidden to return to Tibet. They continue to diligently fight to save Tibet. Shopping was fun, the sun was hot. Lapa carried our bags for us so that was nice! I was able to purchase some great stuff for gifts. I changed $300US when I arrived 2 weeks ago and have not gone through it all yet. After lunch we went back to the hotel to get showered and ready for the day. As I came down to do the Internet I was met by a scruffy-faced Terry just back from their trip! They were a sight for sore eyes - - we hadn't been able to establish a phone connection with them so weren't quite sure if they were okay or not. All are well but a little worse for the wear and very tired. Everyone's noses run at this altitude and our sinuses are as dry as can be so we all sound sick but aren't. We went to dinner at Dunya Restaurant (a traveller's restaurant) and shared stories over Indonesian food, Yak Chili, Hummus, and red wine! A great evening for this tired bunch! On our way out, as fate would have it, I saw a glimpse of Mike walking through the door of the shop next door! I had been searching high and low for them all day and was so excited to see him knowing Beata was close by!! All day I kept saying, "Keep an eye out for Beata and Mike" or "I wonder where Beata and Mike are" or "I hope we run into Beata and Mike" and "I have a feeling we'll see Beata and Mike." I was obsessed with finding them and if I had know their hotel, would have gone over and left them a note. So I went in and got Beata and she came running out saying she had been looking for me all day!! We hugged and were genuinely happy to see one another. If she lived near me we would be fast friends. With effort on both our parts we will remain friends and develop an even closer relationship! I can't wait until they come to Minnesota. I left with Son and Hoe to go back to the hotel to blog a little, pack, spend some time alone and to sleep. It's nice to all be together again and it's sad knowing I'll leave Tibet soon. I will miss the smiling people and their singing and music! This is the happiest place I've ever been. Joyful and delightful.

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